Monday, March 14, 2011

Some of my favorite things...

I am having so much fun reading other blogs!!  I see that a lot of people are taking ugly cheap furniture...and painting it.  And it looks fabulous!!!!  I never in a million years would have thought about painting old ugly furniture and making it look awesome.  I've purchased old "nice" furniture...and refinished it...but never the painting thing.  I'm so excited to try it.  Some are even painting "nice" furniture...and to my surprise...I love it!  Not sure that I can bring myself to paint over it though. 

So...I want to try this painting furniture thing...except that I don't know what kind of paint to use.  Do you use just regular paint and paint it with a brush...or do you use spray paint???  And I just love the distressed look too!!  I'm assuming that's done with a sanding I'm going to try it.

Right now, I'm reading The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey.  Once I'm done reading the book...I'll be on a strict budget and putting any extra money into my "debt snowball".  In other words...I won't be able to work on many projects for awhile.  However...I do have some things around the house that I can paint.  And the trick buy the paint and supplies before I start the Total Money Makeover. 

I'm not sure if anyone reads my blog yet. (I'm new at it)...but if there is anyone reading...and can give me some advice on painting furnitue...I'd be ever so grateful if you would comment.

For now...I'm going to post some of my favorite things that I have around the house now.  Kinda gives you an idea of what my tastes are....

The date on the pictures is kind of annoying...but I'm afraid to turn it off for fear of forgetting to turn it back on for important pictures that I want the date on.

Below are old photo albums that were passed down to my mom from my grandmother.  Not sure how far back they go originally. Possibly my great great great grandmother.  My mom gave them to me because she knows that I love this old stuff. 

I love box sets!!

I purchased this out at the Farmer's Market...just because I loved it!

The dresser was my mom's when she was young and living at home...and the plant stand belonged to my grandparents and was in their home for as long as I can remember. 

This table was given to me by my Nana. The phone belonged to my great aunt, and the sewing machine was handed down from my mom, who got it from her mother. Not sure if it was my grandmothers, or my great grandmothers.


The wire cage thingy was given to my by my Nana.  They would put soap in it and swish it around in the water and that's where they got the soap to do the dishes.

This old toaster was also given to me by my Nana.  It's from my Gramps old homestead.


This is a special painting of my brother and I fishing off the wharf on Deer Island.  My step mom painted it and gave it to me for Christmas. 

And of course....there's my keurig

1 comment:

  1. You have great taste!
    I love re-doing furniture...I have a power sander(30 bucks or so) that I sand furniture with before using a small fine roller to roll on regular satin finish paint. I'm about to do a total makeover on the cutes bunk beds you've ever seen...can't wait!
